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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부


New QuantumATK Study Unraveling
Controversy over an Electrocatalytic
Reaction Mechanism


Sang Uck Lee’s lab from Hanyang University, South Korea in collaboration with the Synopsys QuantumATK
Team published a study elucidating the longstanding controversial issue of the iodine reduction reaction (IRR)
mechanism on a surface
 [1]. Calculations were performed with the one probe non-equilibrium surface Green’s
function methodology (surface NEGF) under an applied external electric field implemented in QuantumATK
as depicted in Figure 1. This study is a good inspiration for studying other catalytic reaction mechanisms with
the surface NEGF method in the R&D of new catalysts.



List of Articles
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